I work with writers, producers, art directors, creative directors, business owners you name it. No matter what I'm working on or who I'm working with my goal is always the same. My goal is to tell the best story I can through my art.
Characters in an illustration are like actors. To capture an audience's attention and make their story believable they must also display emotion. Like a director, a good artist understands the subtlety of gesture, mood and expression.
All these things together are how we tell a story and telling a good story is what illustration is all about.
Everybody loves the look and feel of traditional art. Seeing the spontaneity of an artist's hand in their art is seeing the full expression of that artist's intention but reproducing traditional art is difficult. That is why even though it might look like traditional art it is not. everything I create is in a 100% digital formate to make reproduction simple and allow for maximum flexibility.