Today is a big day here at the studio! For the past year or so I’ve been working hard behind the scenes on a very special book that is being released today! It is called Tilt Presence, Be the calm in a sea of noise and I think you guys are going to love it. The book is written by Pam Boney with art and design by, you guessed it, me… Bob Ostrom of Bob Ostrom Studio.
In celebration of our launch I’m going to featuring the book next week to help get the word out and to give you a little behind the scenes look at how something like this is put together …and trust me it is no small task. You won’t want to miss it!
In the meantime if you are interested in snagging a digital copy you can find it listed on Amazon, starting today. For those of you who love print don’t worry, we’ve got you covered as well. The print version of this book will be coming out shortly So stay tuned you’ll hear it here first!